Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sorting myself out

I have been focusing on myself a bit and doing some much needed 'sorting myself out' over the last couple of days.

There has been a lot in the news lately about carers struggling to look after their own health. I have found this to be very true for me. Those who have known me for a while will know that I have my own health issues, namely diabetes and brittle asthma. It is very tricky fitting in appointments for me and they often get cancelled because we are back in hospital again. I had cancelled my diabetes checks loads of times and, when I eventually got to go for my annual blood tests, I had to cancel the follow up. I haven't been able to fit in hospital appointments so am managed by my GP these days. We have a few 'traditional' receptionists at our doctors, you know, the ones who seem to think their job is to protect the doctors from their patients! The last time I spoke to one I was told that I could not have any more mediations until I had seen the doctor. This attitude was maintained even when I explained that I was stuck in hospital and about to go to Birmingham and could not get to the doctor!!! I got one last prescription by stating clearly that I was on life saving medication and was being told I could not have it! Yesterday, I finally had the chance to get to the doctor when Wills was with his nurse. The good news is I have perfect blood sugar and a perfect BMI (although a less than perfect height - I was sure I was 5'3"but I am, in fact, only just 5'2 when standing very straight and tall!). My diabetes is OK too. I knew I was huffing and puffing a bit lately and the idea of running anywhere seems a very distant memory. So, I wasn't too surprised to know my asthma is a little ropey. My peak flow (a measure of measuring asthma) was very wimpy. The first is always rubbish but I couldn't blow the dial much further on than 150 on any other attempt either - and I blew my absolute hardest! I think 160 was my best. I can blow 270 on a very good day so that wasn't the best news but did explain a lot. I am now on extra steroids, more oxygen at night and a new inhaler on top of my usual 2 and 'theophyline' tablets. I am glad I went now. A bit of self TLC is needed for a while. (note to Mum - I am fine, no need to worry at all, I just need to remember I have this condition for a while!).

So, with my health sorted out, today I set to sort out my life a bit. William starts school on Monday. I have to go with him for the first week but, after that he will have a one-to-one at school (our lovely Sue, who has been working with William for a while now and is virtually family!). So, when he is well and at school, I will have school hours to myself. I have my job at The Brompton Fountain (I will come back to that) but it is only part-time and not enough to guarantee my future solvency on its own. I am doing my theology and vocation course and am always working hard to develop my career as a writer. That is all plenty to be getting on with but it is all done alone from home so a bit isolating. I decided today to do a course once a week to get out of the house and meet some new people. With most of the courses starting in the next week or so, I have left it rather late and there wasn't much left. I was torn between an arty, crafty course just for fun or a writing one. I decided to do some writing as I really have a lot to do right now and it isn't the time to add in a new hobby, fun though it would have been. A freelance journalism course was all I could find to fit the school day and William's regular hospital appointments. I wanted a creative writing course but this will be good and may help me make some more money from my writing to keep me going while I write that 'best seller!'. The course is the middle of London at Covent Garden, from 10.30-12.30 so I will even have time to 'do lunch' and/or visit a gallery or museum before rushing home for the children. I am going to cherish that day each week.

Work at The Brompton Fountain is going well. We have been struggling in the current economic climate and I have been worried about our future. I thought hard and prayed about it all. Almost immediately, I had some offers of help with writing grant applications and some fantastic fundraising news. One girl raised two thousand pounds at Sunday's Women's 5K at Hyde Park and there are several others who are still counting up their sponsor money. I was also contacted by a wonderful runner who wants to work with us and raise money running marathons next year. He wants to see what we are doing and how the money will be spent. I am so chuffed about that. I can't relax and have to keep working hard at the fundraising but I am more confident we can ride the current economic storm. We had a training session for our up and coming sibling day yesterday and several of the hospital staff are getting involved with us though that. Things are looking good.

Wow, I have blogged all this with no mention of Wills and how he is doing. He is doing OK. We bought a Thomas lunch box today for him to take some food to school to smell at lunch time. He was very chuffed with that. He has another vaccination tomorrow, which he will be less chuffed with. He has a lot of extras now he is on the transplant list.

The girls are OK too. All is settling down again.

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